Association Model |
Effector molecular alterations associated with the expressions of one target gene |
Association Module |
Target genes shared with one common effector |
Super Module |
Association Modules in the same cancer type with substantially overlapped target genes |
Sample Group |
Samples in the same cancer type with shared combinatorial expression patterns of Super Modules |
Super Module Group |
Super Modules across cancer types with substantially shared target genes |
Gene Group |
Genes co-occurred as targets in one or multiple Super Module Groups |
Meta Gene Group |
Gene Groups enriched with one of three functions: immune response, development and cell cycle |
Gene Set |
Genes with a known function or co-expressed in a dataset from the MsigDB database |
Recurrent Effector |
Effectors with significant occurrence frequencies in a Super Module Group |
Artery Network |
Subnetwork of molecular interactions traversed by connecting paths of many association pairs |
Consensus Artery Network |
Common portion of Artery Networks across multiple cancer types |
Pan-cancer Sample Group |
Sample Groups across cancer types with shared combinatorial expression patterns of Meta Gene Groups |
Patient Group |
Patients derived from one or multiple Sample Groups |
Cancer Subtype |
Subtypes defined by genomic/transcriptomic signatures or clinical traits, such as PAM50 subtypes in breast cancer and CMS subtypes in colorectal cancer |
Achilles Gene Cluster |
Perturbed genes with similar correlation coefficients between their dependency responses in Achilles data and mRNA expressions of Gene Groups in CCLE data |
Bodymap Tissue-Specific Gene Set |
Genes uniquely expressed in one normal tissue in Bodymap data |
Roadmap Gene Cluster |
Genes with similar binary epigenomic states in Roadmap data |