Table 2.
Interview Guide/Questions
Descriptive Demographic Questions |
1. What is your name? |
2. What is your age? |
3. Where were you born? |
4. How long have you lived in the United States? |
5. Are you in a committed relationship with a partner? If yes, are you married or co-habitating? |
6. What are you currently doing now? For example, are you working outside of the home, in the home, or in school? |
7. What is the highest level of education? |
8. Do you have any children? If so, how many? |
9. What is your religious affiliation? |
In-Depth Interview Questions (i.e., Questions related to help-seeking behaviors and accessing intimate partner violence [IPV] related services) |
10. Can you describe how you have managed and/or coped since the pandemic (COVID-19) began? |
11. Can you describe your experience with family members in relation to domestic violence incidences since the pandemic (COVID-19) began? |
12. Can you describe your experience with friends in relation to domestic violence incidences since the pandemic (COVID-19) began? |
13. What are your experiences in trying to access domestic violence related services in the community since the pandemic (COVID-19) began? Do you find it challenging? If so, why? a. For example, what are your experiences with the police department since the pandemic (COVID-19) began? *If you called 911 since the pandemic (COVID-19) began, what was that experience like for you? b. For example, what are your experiences with health care and/or hospital organizations since the pandemic (COVID-19) began? c. For example, what are your experiences with accessing services with Progreso Latino, Inc. since the pandemic (COVID-19) began? d. For example, what are your experiences with other community-based agencies? For example, family service centers? |
14. What has been most helpful to you? |
15. What has been least helpful? |