Fig. 2. Quality metrics for matched 5′ and 3′ libraries.
a, Total number of UMIs detected per cell at different sequencing depths. For b–e, reads were sampled so that Illumina and Ultima have the same number of reads. b, Number of cells identified by Cell Ranger only in Ultima, only in Illumina or both. c,d, Distribution of the number of genes (c) or UMIs (d) per cell. Box plots show the 25% and 75% quantiles with the median marked in between. e, Scatter plots with one point for each gene. Labeled genes (gray) have a high FC (FC > 2 using a pseudocount of 10 TPM). The 20 genes with the highest FC are labeled in each plot. For all 3′ libraries, the last three UMI bases were trimmed for quality reasons.