I wouldn’t mind testing every day. I think it gives you
more reassurance that you’re not positive. Testing every
day, for me, won’t be a problem. I would feel more secure,
and if I have to be in the classroom, if students are tested
every day, I would feel more comfortable. Otherwise, you
never know when they get it. So every day is probably more
secure. |
When we started talking about reopening, the one thing that
sold every teacher on that committee was the idea of daily
testing. |
If it’s an intrusive one with a stick way up your nose,
that’ll be uncomfortable for kids. But if it’s just a swab,
like brushing your teeth, something as simple as that. It’s
not a big thing. I think it won’t be a problem. I think kids
will take it easy. And I think they’ll be happy to be at
school. I think they’ll see the positive in that and be more
willing to take the test. |
Level of comfort returning to the classroom |
I feel uncomfortable coming in now, especially because of
what you hear in the news, all the spikes. |
I definitely don’t feel comfortable going back in person. I
still live at home, and I have high risk parents. My dad has
high blood pressure. My mom is over the age of 60. My older
sister has asthma. I love my job and I love my kids, but I
love my family more and I don’t feel comfortable going in
person. |
My level of comfort stems from the fact that I wrote a lot
of the cleaning and disinfecting and safety protocols for
our school and have monitored the implementation of those
protocols, so I am confident in what we’ve put together. I’m
confident in our teachers and our custodial staff to
maintain a clean and sanitary environment. I think my
comfort with those pieces is because that’s what I have
direct control over. |
Testing to prevent parents from sending sick children to
school |
I have some concerns over things that I don’t have control
over such as the truthfulness of families or what other
people are choosing to do outside of the school
environment |
I don’t know to what extent I can trust people. You see
people in social media gathering, teachers gathering. . .
you would hope that these are the people that are definitely
taking care of themselves and they’re not. |