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. 2023 Jan 13;9(1):93–99. doi: 10.1002/cre2.707

Table 6.

A summary of the most recent studies on the association of human papillomavirus infection and oral lichen planus

Group First author, year Country Specimen Type of HPVa Method Number of case/control Result
Relatively high detection rate (DR) in OLP or significant difference between OLP and control Vijayan et al. (2022) India Biopsy HPV‐DNA; HPV 16/18 PCRb 20/0 DRc: 40%; HPV18 was the predominant subtype; the erosive subtype had the greatest DR
Kaewmaneenuan et al. (2021) Thailand Biopsy 16/18 PCR 59/0 DR: 18.6%; HPV18 was the predominant subtype; only detected in atrophic/ulcerative subtype
Della Vella et al. (2021) Italy Biopsy; cytobrush HPV‐DNA; 6, 11, 16, 53 PCR 52/0 DR: 17%; DR in biopsy: 15%; DR in cytobrush: 6%; HPV6 and 11 was the predominant subtype; HPV 16 detected in only one sample
Farhadi et al. (2020) Iran Biopsy 16/18/33 PCR 32/20 DR: 25% in OLPd and 0% in control; significant association between HPV infection and OLP; detected only in erosive form; HPV‐33 was the predominant subtype (7 out of 8)
Liu et al. (2018) China Biopsy 16/18 IHCe 40/24 Significant increase in HPV16/18(E6) protein expression in OLP compared to normal mucosa
Poulopoulos et al. (2017) Greece Cytobrush HPV‐DNA PCR 70/48 DR: 12.85% for samples preserved in lysis buffer; DR: 34.28% for samples preserved in DNA•SAL rinse solution; DR: 38.57% in case of dry storage; In OLP lesions, HPV detected significantly more frequently than in control
Sameera et al. (2019) India Biopsy HPV‐DNA, HPV18 PCR 15/15 DR: 86.6% in OLP and 0% in controls; only HPV 18 detected; no significant association with the type of OLP.
Relatively low detection rate (DR) in OLP or nonsignificant difference between OLP and control Zare et al. (2022) Iran Biopsy HPV‐DNA PCR 40/0 DR: 0%
Bar et al. (2021) Poland Biopsy 16/18 IHC 56/0 DR:7.1%; no significant association with the type of OLP
Illeperuma et al. (2021) Sri Lanka Biopsy HPV‐DNA PCR 26/30 DR: 0% in OLP and control
Gomez‐Armayones et al. (2019) Spain Biopsy HPV‐DNA PCR 41/0 DR: 2.4% (HPV‐DNA was detected only in one OLP sample)
Nafarzadeh et al. (2017) Iran Biopsy HPV‐DNA PCR 50/30 DR: 14% in OLP and 3.3% in controls. No significant association between HPV infection and OLP
Panzarella et al. (2017) Italy Cytobrush HPV‐DNA PCR and Innogenetics 45/0 DR: 0% in keratotic variants of OLP
Jabar et al. (2017) IRAQ Biopsy HPV‐DNA In situ hybridization 30/30 DR: 13.3% in OLP and 10% in controls; No significant association between HPV infection and OLP

HPV: human papilloma virus.


PCR: polymerase chain reaction.


DR: detection rate.


OLP: oral lichen planus.


IHC: immunohistochemistry.