Table 1.
Practice-oriented answers to clinical questions on the management of gastro-esophageal reflux disease
1 | Should I perform endoscopy in all patients with GERD symptoms? | Endoscopy should be reserved for patients with GERD symptoms and either alarm features or multiple risk factors for Barrett’s esophagus |
2 | Is erosive esophagitis specific for diagnosis of GERD? | Only LA grade C and D esophagitis are always specific for GERD |
3 | When to perform esophageal biopsies in patients with GERD symptoms? | Esophageal biopsies should be performed only when eosinophilic esophagitis is suspected |
4 | Should hiatal hernia always be identified and measured? | Hiatal hernia should always be identified and measured |
5 | Should patients with erosive esophagitis undergo repeat endoscopy after treatment? | Only patients with LA grade C and D esophagitis should undergo repeat endoscopy after PPI therapy |
6 | Is an instrumental finding of laryngitis a specific sign of GERD? | Laryngoscopic findings of laryngitis are not specific signs of GERD |
7 | Is pH monitoring alone inferior to impedance-pH monitoring to diagnose GERD? | Impedance-pH monitoring is the test of choice to confirm or rule out GERD |
8 | How should I manage PPI therapy before impedance-pH monitoring? | The choice of performing impedance-pH monitoring off-PPI or on-PPI depends on the clinical goal |
9 | When should I verify patient adherence to PPI therapy? | Adherence to PPI therapy should be always verified in case of PPI-refractory symptoms |
10 | When do I refer a patient with PPI-refractory symptoms to anti-reflux surgery? | Only patients with PPI-refractory GERD confirmed by impedance-pH monitoring should be referred to surgical fundoplication |
11 | Which is the role for prokinetics in patients with GERD? | Prokinetics may be used in patients with GERD and concomitant dyspeptic symptoms |
12 | Which is the role for P-CABs in patients with GERD? | P-CABs are promising antisecretory drugs, however more evidence is needed |
GERD: Gastro-esophageal reflux disease; PPI: Proton-pump inhibitor; LA: Los Angeles; P-CABs: Potassium-competitive acid blockers.