Tremelimumab exposure-safety analysis for Cmin1 and (A) Grade 3/4 treatment-related AEs, (B) Grade 3/4 treatment-related AESI, and (C) AEs leading to treatment discontinuation (exposure–response analysis population); N = 216. Open blue circles are the observed events. Filled black circles are the observed probability of events and the error bars are the standard errors (calculated as sqrt [P × (1 − P)/n], where P is probability of response and n is the number of patients in each quantile bin) for quantiles [at 100 × (1/4)th percentiles, vertical dotted lines] of exposures (plotted at the median value within each quantile). The red solid line is the model-predicted probability, and the shaded area is the 95% prediction interval. AE, adverse event; AESI, adverse event of special interest; Cmin1, minimum tremelimumab concentration at day 28; N, number of patients included in the analysis.