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. 2023 Feb 2;9:1070497. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.1070497


Overview of current and potential production methods for four key alpha-emitting isotopes.

Isotope Half-life Isotope availability Main production approach Current and potential production methods
Method Status
211At 7.21 h Very low Cyclotron 209Bi(α,2n)211At Production
232Th(p,x)211Rn Research
238U(p,x)211Rn Research
209Bi(7Li,5n)211Rn Research
209Bi(6Li,4n)211Rn Research
212Pb/212Bi 10.64/1 h Scaling Generator decay 224Ra/212Pb generator Production
225Ac 9.92 days Low–growing Generator decay 229Th/225Ac generator Production
226Ra(p,2n)225Ac Research
226Ra(γ,n)225Ra Potential
226Ra(n,2n)225Ra Potential
226Ra(d,3n)225Ac Potential
232Th(p,x)225Ac Research
227Th 18.7 days High Generator decay 227Ac decay Production
235U decay Production

Potential routes to increase production for each isotope include: 211At: explore production at existing and upcoming facilities and 221Rn generator routes; 212Pb/212Bi: increase production of 228Th; 225Ac: provide additional stock of 229Th, scale up spallation on 232Th production and new cyclotron methods; 227Th: produce 227Ac via neutron irradiation of 226Ra. Source: (74, 94, 95).