Biofunctionalization of scaffolds for tissue engineering
(A) Layer-by-layer coating of BMP and vancomycin on 3D-printed scaffolds
to prevent infections and promote bone tissue engineering. Graph showing
the lowering of planktonic (top) and adherent bacteria (bottom). Reproduced
with permission from ref (95) (2020), Open Access, CC-BY-4.0. (B) Adhesion of islet cells
on PGA scaffolds. Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 have original PGA, plasma-treated
PGA scaffold, polylysine-coated PGA scaffold, and plasma treatment
combined with polylysine coating modifications, respectively. Reproduced
with permission from ref (88) (2019), Open Access, CC-BY-NC. (C) Effect of dopamine coating
on 3D-printed PLA scaffolds for osteoblast cell culture. Reproduced
with permission from ref (96) (2020), Open Access, CC-BY-NC.