Mtb disease phenotypes in panIrgm−/− mice at 5 weeks postinfection. WT or panIrgm−/− mice were infected with H37Rv Mtb by the aerosol route in a single batch (day 1, 200 to 250 CFU). At 5 weeks postinfection, samples were collected from the lungs and spleens for phenotyping disease susceptibility and cytokines. (A) Bacterial burden in the lungs and (B) spleens of mice. (C) Relative area of damaged tissue and (D) representative images from formalin-fixed paraffin embedded lung sections that were H&E stained and used for damage quantification. (E) Concentration of cytokines (M-CSF, CXCL2, TNFα, or CCL5) in lung homogenates from infected mice. Each point represents a single mouse; data are from one experiment, with 4 to 6 male mice per group. Statistics were determined via Mann-Whitney test (*, P < 0.05; ns, not significant).