(A) Schematic illustration of Ti3C2 MXene and bioactive glass (TBGS) scaffold fabrication using 3D printing and their application in bone tumor ablation, and bone tissue regeneration in four steps. (Adapted with permission from Ref. [171], Copyright 2019, John Wiley and Sons). (B) a Schematics of the fabrication process of flexible wearable transition pressure sensors with MXene nanosheets using screen printing technique. b-e TEM, AFM, and SEM characterization of Mxene nanosheets. f-g Photographs of the flexible wearable transient pressure sensor. (C) a-b Photograph of pressure sensor built from MXene and its schematic. c-f Application of two and three fingers on the pressure sensors and corresponding pressure distribution mapping from the sensing responses. g Attachment of pressure sensor to a robot femorotibial joint to measure the sensing responses remotely. (Adapted with permission from Ref. [178], Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society).