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. 2022 Mar 8;25(1):5–12. doi: 10.4103/aja2021130

Table 1.

Summary of vertical transmission in azoospermia factor a microdeletion

Study Population Deletion gene of proband Type of deletion Type of transmission (natural or ART) Detection method Proband phenotype (total sperm count per ml) Father phenotype Sibling phenotype Son phenotype
Krausz et al.40 2006 Family I: Italian Family II: Romanian I: sY84, sY86 and exon 22 of USP9Y II: the 3’end of USP9Y transcript I: USP9Y complete II: USP9Y partial I: natural II: natural STS PCR and CGH I: infertility (140×106) II: azoospermia S and fertility ND ND
Rodovalho et al.41 2008 Mixed Family I: sY84 Family II: sY84 I: partial II: partial I: natural II: ART STS PCR I: azoospermia II: severe oligospermia I: S and fertility II: ND I: S and severe oligospermia II: ND ND
Luddi et al.45 2009 Italian USP9Y USP9Y complete Natural STS PCR and CGH Mild asthenozoospermia (54×106–660×106) S and fertility S and fertility ND
Alksere et al.44 2019 Latvian sY84, sY1323 Partial Natural STS PCR Infertility S and fertility ND ND
Tang et al.46 2020 Han Chinese sY84, sY86 Complete Natural STS PCR and sanger sequencing Fertility S and fertility ND ND
Jia et al.42 2020 Han Chinese sY83, sY1064, sY86 Complete Natural STS PCR and CGH Fertility S and fertility ND ND

S: the deletion range is the same as the proband; NS: the deletion range is not the same as the proband; ND: the phenotype is not determined; STS: sequence tagged sites; PCR: polymerase chain reaction; CGH: comparative genomic hybridization; USP9Y: ubiquitin-specific peptidase 9, Y-linked; ART: assisted reproductive technology