The content of the first three columns was drawn from the original publications (
Angelidis et al., 2019;
Kimmel et al., 2019). More specifically,
Angelidis_TN is the transcriptional noise per cell identity on the Angelidis dataset (from their Figure 2);
Kimmel_OD is the gene overdispersion per cell type on the Kimmel dataset (from their Figure 2B); and
Kimmel_DC is the cell-cell heterogeneity per cell identity measured as the Euclidean distance to the centroid of the cell identity for a particular age. Columns 4–7 summarize the results of our analysis of age-related loss of cell type identity in the murine lung. Specifically,
Angelidis_S, Kimmel_S, TMS_FACS_S, and TMS_drop_S report the transcriptional noise per cell identity on the four datasets, measured as the difference in median membership score between young and old individuals. The cell identities used are those drawn from Angelidis. Since some cell identities from Kimmel dataset did not have a 1:1 correspondence to the Angelidis cell identities, they are shown using their original notation at the bottom of the table (‘Additional cell identities’). UP/DOWN: age-related increase/decrease in noise, NS: the difference in noise between young and old individuals is not statistically significant. NP: the cell identity was not present in the dataset in sufficient amounts to perform the analysis. For most cell types, it can be concluded that there is little overlap between cell identity-specific noise measurements across datasets and methods.