(A) Illustration of adult Drosophila testis showing hub (green), germ cell lineage (blue), cyst cell lineage (yellow), terminal epithelium (pink), and seminal vesicle (dark gray). (B) UMAP of FCA snRNAseq data from the testis plus seminal vesicle (relaxed version). Blue: germ cell lineage; Yellow: cyst cell lineage; Pink: terminal epithelial cells of testis (te); Dark gray: seminal vesicle (sv). Other cell types as listed in (G). (C–F) UMAP plots of snRNA-seq data showing expression of: (C) vasa (vas), (D) traffic jam (tj), (E) string (stg), (F) escargot (esg). Red arrows: proliferating cells. Red arrowhead: hub. (G) UMAP (as in B) with Leiden 6.0 clusters of germ and cyst cell lineages labeled (sg: Spermatogonia; mg: Mid-late proliferating spermatogonia; sp: Spermatocytes; s: Spermatids; es: Early elongation-stage spermatids; ms: Early-mid elongation stage spermatids; ls: Mid-late elongation-stage spermatids; hb: Germinal proliferation center hub; cs: Cyst stem cells, c1: Early cyst cells 1; c2: Early cyst cells 2; sa: Cyst cell with spermatocytes branch A; sb: Cyst cell with spermatocytes branch B; ca: Cyst cell branch a; cb: Cyst cell branch b; sac: Elongating spermatid-associated cyst cells; hcc: Head cyst cells; tcc: Tail cyst cells; te: Terminal epithelial cells of testis; sv: Seminal vesicle; ep: Male gonad associated epithelium; sr: Secretory cells of the male reproductive tract; mc: Muscle cells; hm: Hemocytes; nr: Neurons; pc: Pigment cells;, tr: Trachea; ft: Fat body).