Table 1.
Study | Population | Mode | Intervention | Effect on CP | Physiological effects of intervention | CP determination method |
Moritani et al. [21] | H (2) | Upright cycling | Hypoxia (FiO2 = 0.09) |
↓ CP (106 vs 214 W) |
4CWR | |
Gaesser and Wilson [158] | ETM (2) HM (3) | Upright cycling |
Endurance training (6 weeks) |
↑ CP (228 vs 201 W) |
↔ O2peak | 4CWR |
Gaesser and Wilson [158] | ETM (3) HM (3) | Upright cycling | HIIT (6 weeks) |
↑ CP (254 vs 220 W) |
↑O2peak | 4CWR |
Poole et al. [159] | HM (8) | Upright cycling | HIIT (7 weeks) |
↑ CP (288 vs 325 W) |
↑O2peak, ↑LT | 5CWR |
Jenkins and Quigley [160] | HM (12) | Upright cycling |
Endurance training (8 weeks) |
↑ CP (255 vs 196 W) |
↑O2peak | 3CWR |
Hill [161] | HM (13) HF (11) | Upright cycling | Cadence (100 rpm vs 60 rpm) |
↓ CP (195 vs 207 W) |
4CWR | |
Serres et al. [162] | COPD (8) | Upright single leg knee extension |
Endurance training (3 weeks) |
↑ CP (1.8 vs 1.3 kg.s−1) |
↑O2peak, ↑MVC | 3CWR |
Puente-Maestu et al. [38] | COPDM (27) | Upright cycling |
Endurance training (6 weeks) |
↑ CP (65 vs 58 W) |
↑O2peak, ↓peak blood [La], ↓epeak | 3CWR |
Barker et al. [163]* | ETM (5) ATM (6) | Upright cycling | Cadence (100 rpm vs 60 rpm) |
↓ CP (189 vs 297 W) |
4CWR | |
Vanhatalo et al. [164] |
HM (8) HF (1) |
Upright cycling | HIIT (4 weeks) |
↑ CP (255 vs 230 W) |
↑O2peak, ↑GET | 3MT |
Miura et al. [165] |
HM (6) HF (2) |
Upright cycling | Heavy priming exercise |
↑ CP (177 vs 169 W) |
4CWR | |
Vanhatalo et al. [37] | HM (7) | Prone knee extension | Hyperoxia (FiO2 = 0.7) |
↑ CP (18 vs 16 W) |
↓Rate of change: muscle [ADP], [PCr], [Pi], pH; ↑τPCr, ↑Δ[HbO2], ↓Δ[HHb], ↑TOI, ↑TD[HHb], ↔ τ[HHb]1 | 4CWR |
Corn and Barstow [166] | HM (7) | Upright cycling | N-acetylcysteine (acute oral supplementation) |
↑ CP (232 vs 226 W) |
Dekerle et al. [56] |
HM (5) HF (6) |
Upright cycling | Hypoxia (FiO2 = 0.15) |
↓ CP (190 vs 220 W) |
↓SaO2 | 3–4CWR |
Valli et al. [61] |
HM (4) HF (2) |
Upright cycling | Hypoxia (altitude = 5050 m) |
↑ CP (123 vs 81 W) |
↓O2peak, ↓blood [lactate], ↓SaO2, ↓O2 pulse | 3 CWR |
Broxterman et al. [73] | HM (8) | Handgrip | Duty cycle (50% vs 20%) |
↓ CP (3.9 vs 5.1 W) |
↓Q̇BA, ↑iEMG, ↓EMGMPF, ↓mO2, ↔ [THb], ↓end-exercise [HHb] 2 | 3–4CWR |
Mueller et al. [167] | ETM (11) | Upright cycling | Resistance + vibration training (8 weeks) |
↑ CP (296 vs 286 W) |
↑Capillary:fibre, ↑thigh LBM, ↑MyHC1 and ↑MyHC2 CSA, ↔ SDH |
4CWR |
Broxterman et al. [168]* | ETM (5) ATM (5) | Upright cycling | Cadence (100 rpm vs 60 rpm) |
↓ CP (196 vs 214 W) |
4 CWR | |
Black et al. [169] | HM (10) | Upright cycling | Pacing (self vs constant load) |
↑ CP (265 vs 250 W) |
↓, ↑VO2 in first 60 s | 3–4TT/3–4CWR |
Broxterman et al. [75] | HM (6) | Handgrip | Blood flow occlusion |
↓ CP (-0.7 vs 4.1 W) |
↓EMGRMS, ↑[HHb], ↓[HbO2], ↓[THb]2 | 4CWR |
Parker-Simpson et al. [60] | HF (13) | Upright cycling | Hypoxia (FiO2 = 0.13) |
↓ CP (132 vs 175 W) ↓ EP (134 vs 172 W) |
↓O2max | 5CWR and 3MT |
Deb et al. [170] | ETM (11) | Upright cycling | Hypoxia (FiO2 = 0.145) ± sodium bicarbonate |
↓ CP (265 vs 263 vs 301 W) |
↓SaO2 | 3MT |
Goulding et al. [114] | HM (10) | Supine cycling | Heavy priming exercise |
↑ CP (185 vs 177 W) |
↓, ↔ O2max, ↑[HbO2], ↑τ[HHb]1 | 4CWR |
Townsend et al. [63] | ETM (9) | Upright cycling | Hypoxia (FiO2 = 0.18, 0.159, 0.14, 0.123) |
↓ CP (257, 235, 218, 196 vs 270 W) |
3TT | |
Clark et al. [171] | ETM (6) | Upright cycling | 2 h heavy exercise |
↓ CP (282 vs 306 W) |
3MT | |
Goulding et al. [117] | HM (8) | Supine cycling | Exercise transition from elevated baseline |
↓ CP (132 vs 146 W) |
↑, ↔ O2max, ↔ [HbO2], ↑τ[HHb], ↓Δ[HHb]/ΔO23 | 4CWR |
Goulding et al. [130] | HM (7) | Upright cycling | Exercise transition from elevated baseline |
↓ CP (203 vs 213 W) |
↑ , ↑ [HbO2], ↑ τ[HHb], ↓Δ[HHb]/ΔO21 | 4CWR |
La Monica et al. [62] | HM (21) | Upright arm cycling | Hypoxia (FiO2 = 0.14) |
↓ CP (85 vs 90 W) |
↓O2peak | 4CWR |
Mitchell et al. [86] | ETM (21) | Upright cycling | SIT, SIT + blood flow restriction (4 weeks) |
↑ CP (302, 302 vs 292 W) |
↑O2peak, ↔ capillarity, ↔ mitochondrial protein content | 3-5CWR |
Clark et al. [172] | HM (14) | Upright cycling | 2 h heavy exercise |
↓ CP (CWR: 256, EP: 256 vs EP: 287 W) |
↓Muscle [glycogen], ↔ O2peak | 4CWR and 3MT |
Clark et al. [173] | ETM (16) | Upright cycling | 2 h heavy exercise |
↓ CP (236 vs 260 W) |
↓Muscle [glycogen], ↔ O2peak | 3MT |
Goulding et al. [64] | HM (8) | Supine cycling | Hyperoxia (FiO2 = 0.5) |
↑ CP (148 vs 134 W) |
↑O2max, ↓, ↑[HbO2], ↔ τ[HHb] 3 | 4CWR |
Morgan et al. [152] | HM (16) | Upright cycling | Acetaminophen (acute oral supplementation) |
↑ CP (297 vs 288 W) |
↑EMGRMS, ↔ O2peak | 3MT |
Waldron et al. [174] | HM (12) | Upright cycling | Taurine (acute oral supplementation) |
↑ CP (212 vs 197 W) |
↑Post-exercise blood [lactate] | 3MT |
Goulding et al. [65] | HM (9) | Upright cycling | Hyperoxia (FiO2 = 0.5) |
↑ CP (216 vs 197 W) |
↑O2max, ↔ ↑PetO2, ↑[HbO2], ↓[HHb], ↔ τ[HHb]3 | 4CWR |
Goulding et al. [131] | T1DM (7) | Upright cycling | Heavy priming exercise |
↑ CP (161 vs 149 W) |
↓, ↔ O2max, ↔ [HbO2], ↓ τ[HHb] 1 | 4CWR |
Karabiyik et al. [175] | TM (32) | Upright cycling | SIT (4 weeks) ± hypoxia (FiO2 = 0.135) |
↑ CP (200 vs 170 W)# |
↑Post-ramp blood [lactate], ↔ O2peak | 3MT |
Collins et al. [176] |
HM (5) HF (6) |
Upright cycling |
Endurance training (8 weeks) |
↑ CP (161 vs 140 W) |
↑O2max | 3–6CWR |
Collins et al. [176] |
HM (6) HF (5) |
Upright cycling | HIIT (8 weeks) |
↑ CP (176 vs 140 W) |
↑O2max | 3–6CWR |
Study: *latter publication uses a sub-set of data taken from the former publication
Population: AT anaerobically trained, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ET endurance trained, F female, M male, H healthy, n number of participants, T1D type 1 diabetes
Intervention: FiO 2 fraction of inspired O2, HIIT high-intensity interval training, rpm revolutions per minute, SIT sprint interval training, ± with and without
Effect on CP: ↑ increased, ↓ decreased, #values for CP estimated from visual inspection of figures
Physiological effects of intervention (all factors considered for chronic interventions, only those factors measured during the determination of CP considered for acute interventions): 1 [HHb], [THb], [HbO2] determined via near infrared spectroscopy on the VL, 2[HHb], [THb], [HbO2] determined via near infrared spectroscopy on the flexor digitorum superficialis, 3[HHb], [THb], [HbO2] determined via near infrared spectroscopy on the VL and RF, τ[HHb] time constant of [HHb] kinetics, time constant of O2 kinetics, ADP adenosine diphosphate, CSA cross-sectional area, EMGMPF electromyography median power frequency, EMGRMS electromyography root mean squared, GET gas exchange threshold, HbO2 oxygenated haemoglobin, HHb deoxygenated haemoglobin, iEMG integrated electromyography, La lactate, LBM lean body mass, LT lactate threshold, mean response time of O2, MVC maximal voluntary contraction, mO2 muscle O2 estimated via combined near infrared spectroscopy and doppler ultrasound, MyHC1 myosin heavy chain 1, MyHC2 myosin heavy chain 2, PCr phosphocreatine, PetO2 end-tidal pressure of O2, Pi inorganic phosphate, Q̇BA brachial artery blood flow, RF rectus femoris, SaO2 arterial oxygen saturation, SDH succinate dehydrogenase, THb total haemoglobin, epeak highest ventilation measured, VL vastus lateralis, O2 rate of oxygen uptake, VO2 total oxygen consumed, O2max maximal O2 recorded following verification from additional trials > CP, O2peak highest O2 recorded but not verified with additional tests > CP, ↔ unchanged
CP determination method: 3MT 3-min all-out test, nCWR number of constant work-rate trials, nTT number of time trials