Table 2.
Study | Population | Mode | Correlation details | CP determination method |
Neder et al. [34] | HM (10) and COPDM (8) | Upright cycling | CP (W) correlated with (s) during severe-intensity exercise in MH (r = − 0.65) but not MCOPD | 4CWR |
Murgatroyd et al. [14] | HM (14) | Upright cycling | CP (W) correlated with (s) during severe-intensity exercise (r = − 0.95) | 4CWR |
Black et al. [13] | ETM (10) | Upright cycling | CP (W) correlated with 10-mile TT performance (min) (r = − 0.83) | 3MT |
Vanhatalo et al. [31] | HM (4) HF (4) | Upright cycling | CP (W) correlated with %type 1 fibre (r = 0.67) | 3MT |
Goulding et al. [114] | HM (10) | Upright cycling | CP (W kg−1) correlated with (s) during heavy-intensity exercise (r = − 0.80) | 4CWR |
Byrd et al. [177] | ATM (15) | Upright cycling | CP (W) correlated with LBM (kg) (r = 0.59) | 3MT |
Goulding et al. [130] | HM (7) | Upright cycling | CP (W kg−1) correlated with (s) during moderate-intensity exercise (r = − 0.95) | 4CWR |
Mitchell et al. [86] | ETM (14) | Upright cycling | CP (W) correlated with: %type 1 fibre (r = 0.79), no. of capillary contacts in type 1 (r = 0.94) and type 2 (r = 0.68) fibres, capillary:fibre (r = 0.88) | 3–4CWR |
Goulding et al. [131] | HM (9) | Upright cycling | CP (W kg−1) correlated with (s) during moderate-intensity exercise (r = − 0.92) | 4CWR |
Smyth and Muniz-Pamares [28] | HM and HF (31,190) | Running | CS (m s−1) correlated with marathon time (min) (r = − 0.83) | 3TT |
Collins et al. [176] | HM (11) HF (11) | Upright cycling | CP (W) correlated with: O2max (mL min−1) (r = 0.96), Ppeak (W) (r = 0.97), Pmax (W) (r = 0.84), Leg LBM (kg)) (r = 0.81) CP (W kg−1) correlated with: O2max (mL min−1 kg−1) (r = 0.85), Ppeak (W kg−1) (r = 0.89), Pmax (W kg−1) (r = 0.52) | 3–6CWR |
Population: COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ET endurance trained, F female, M male, H healthy, n number of participants
Correlation details: time constant of O2 kinetics, LBM lean body mass, mean response time of O2, Pmax highest power attained during a 30-s all-out exercise test, Ppeak highest power attained during an incremental exercise test, TT time trial, O2max maximal O2 recorded following verification from additional trials > CP
CP determination method: 3MT 3-min all-out test, nCWR number of constant work-rate trials, nTT number of time trials