©Hyun Woo Lee, Hyun Jun Yang, Hyungjin Kim, Ue-Hwan Kim, Dong Hyun Kim, Soon Ho Yoon, Soo-Youn Ham, Bo Da Nam, Kum Ju Chae, Dabee Lee, Jin Young Yoo, So Hyeon Bak, Jin Young Kim, Jin Hwan Kim, Ki Beom Kim, Jung Im Jung, Jae-Kwang Lim, Jong Eun Lee, Myung Jin Chung, Young Kyung Lee, Young Seon Kim, Sang Min Lee, Woocheol Kwon, Chang Min Park, Yun-Hyeon Kim, Yeon Joo Jeong, Kwang Nam Jin, Jin Mo Goo. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (https://www.jmir.org), 16.02.2023.
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