ERRα/γ dmKO muscles have decreased expression of oxidative metabolism genes and decreased respiratory capacity. A–B) Relative mRNA levels of representative genes of the different downregulated metabolic pathways, determined by RT-qPCR, in A) EDL and B) soleus (n = 9 WT and 8 KO males, 6-month-old). C) Representative western blot for OxPhos complex I–V proteins in lysates of EDL and soleus (n = 3 males/group, 6-month-old). D) OxPhos complex I, II and IV activities in soleus homogenates, measured by respirometry (n = 4 males/group, 6-month-old). E) TEM images and quantification of average mitochondrial size and mitochondrial percentage area in soleus sections of ERRα/γ dmKO and control WT littermates (n = 2 females/group, 6-month-old, with 15–21 images quantified/group). Arrows point to mitochondria with abnormal density and cristae morphology, indicative of dysfunctional mitochondria (scale bar: 500 nm).