Figure 2.
Enhanced mRNA transfection by substitution of cholesterol to β-sitosterol in LNP. (a,b) Chemical structures of (a) cholesterol and (b) β-sitosterol. β-sitosterol has an additional alkyl group (red) in comparison to cholesterol. (c-f) Physicochemical characterization of LNP-Chol and LNP-Sito containing various amounts of PEG lipid. (c,e) DLS analysis and (d,f) mRNA encapsulation of LNP (c,d) before and (e,f) after nebulization. (g,h) Normalized luciferase expression in HeLa cells transfected with (g) LNP solution and (h) LNP aerosol at 50 ng and 1 μg mRNA per well, respectively. Data were presented in mean ± standard deviation. ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001; significant analysis by two-way ANOVA with Sidak’s multiple comparison test.