The replacement of MP1 by MP4 was driven by the cellular redox state. (A, B) Heatmap display DEGs expression level in each time point (A) or MP1–4 (B). (C) Heatmap of gene expression along the pseudotime trajectory of CRMs. For A–C, 30–50 cells per category were included. (D) Frequencies of MP1 and MP4 were determined by flow cytometry. CRMs derived from different age mice were treated by GSH or H2O2 for 48 h and then analyzed using flow cytometry (n = 4). (E) Intracellular ROS levels were measured by flow cytometry using DCFDA dye fluorescence in cells treated with or without H2O2. (F) The phenotypes of CRMs from embryonic or neonatal mice were detected after co-culturing with H2O2 or H2O2+GSH pretreated MCMs by flow cytometry. (G) Dil-labeled MP1s were detected on the 3rd after MI, the phenotype was identified by the expression of CD45, CD64, CX3CR1 and MHCII (n = 6). ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.01. E18D, P7D, P4W and P1Y mean embryonic Day 18, post-natal 7 days, 4 and 8 weeks, and 1-year-old, respectively. MI and MCMs mean myocardial infarction and murine cardiomyocyte cell line, respectively.