Selective elimination of hiPSCs by BRQ in iMSC-iPSC mixed culture. (A) Schematic representation of the mixed culture condition by mixing iMSCs with 10% hiPSCs and culturing both cell types in the presence of BRQ for 7 days. (B) iMSCs mixed with 10% hiPSCs cultured for 1 week in the presence of 100 nM BRQ or DMSO control. Cells were fixated using 4% PFA then immunostained using anti-POU5F1(Red) antibody and nuclear stain DAPI (Blue), scale bar 100 µm. Mixed culture was repeated, (C) BRQ- and (D) DMSO-treated cells were stained with surface antibodies CD105 and TRA-1-60. Cells were then passed through the cell sorter for analysis. Experiments were performed in three biological repeats, representative figures.