P2TF (Predicted Prokaryotic Transcription Factors): an integrated and comprehensive database of TF proteins, which contains a compilation of the TF genes within completely sequenced genomes and metagenomes |
Ortet et al. (2012)
JASPAR: an open-access database of curated, non-redundant transcription factor (TF) binding profiles stored as position frequency matrices (PFMs) and TF flexible models (TFFMs) for TFs across multiple species in six taxonomic groups |
Castro-Mondragon et al. (2022)
TF2DNA: database provides comprehensive information about transcription factor binding motifs and their regulated genes for five model organisms and humans |
Pujato et al. (2014)
GRASSIUS: Divided in GrassTFDB which provides a comprehensive collection of transcription factors from maize, sugarcane, sorghum and rice and GrassCoRegDB which provides a collection of proteins that are transcriptional regulatory factors but do not bind DNA in a sequence specific fashion |
Yilmaz et al. (2009)
RegulonDB: the primary database on transcriptional regulation in Escherichia coli K-12 |
Santos-Zavaleta et al. (2019)
SM-TF database: collects available 3D structures of small molecule-transcription factor complexes from Protein Data Bank (PDB) |
Xu et al. (2016)
CollecTF: a database of transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) in the Bacteria domain |
Kılıç et al. (2014)
AnimalTFDB3: a comprehensive database including classification and annotation of genome-wide transcription factors (TFs), and transcription cofactors in 97 animal genomes |
Hu et al. (2019)
PlantTFDB: Plant Transcription Factor Database |
Jin et al. (2017)
RegPrecise: a database for capturing, visualisation and analysis of transcription factor regulons that were reconstructed by the comparative genomic approach in a wide variety of prokaryotic genomes |
Novichkov et al. (2013)
SigMol: a repertoire of Quorum Sensing Signalling Molecules in Prokaryotes |
Rajput et al. (2016)
Bionemo: stores manually curated information about proteins and genes directly implicated in the Biodegradation metabolism |
Carbajosa et al. (2009)
PRODORIC: a comprehensive database about gene regulation and gene expression in prokaryotes. It includes a manually curated and unique collection of transcription factor binding sites |
Dudek and Jahn (2022)
Tools |
footprintDB: predicts transcription factors which bind a specific DNA site or motif and DNA motifs or sites likely to be recognized by a specific DNA-binding protein |
Sebastian and Contreras-Moreira (2014)
CiiDER: a user-friendly tool for predicting and analysing transcription factor binding sites, designed with biologists in mind |
Gearing et al. (2019)
BART (Binding Analysis for Regulation of Transcription): a bioinformatics tool for predicting functional transcriptional regulators (TRs) |
Wang et al. (2018)
PROMO: a virtual laboratory for the identification of putative transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) in DNA sequences from a species or groups of species of interest |
Messeguer et al. (2002)
DeepTFactor: a deep learning-based tool for the prediction of transcription factors |
Kim et al. (2021)