a. Experimental design for blood plasma and CSF collection.
b. Total LPA blood plasma levels were increased in wild type (wt) animals after fasting (n= 8 control animals [C] and 10 fasted animals [F], group differences: 96.9%, Bayesian analysis).
c. LPA subtype analysis revealed increased blood plasma levels in wt fasted animals (n= 9 controls for LPA 18:0, 18:2, 20:0, 20:4 and 8 for LPA 16:0 and n = 9 fasted animals, group differences for LPA 16:0 97.1%, for LPA 18:0 89.9%, for LPA 18:2 60.9%, for LPA 20:0 99.7%, for LPA 20:4 99.1%, Bayesian analysis).
d. Blood plasma levels of LPA 18:1 were increased in fasted wt animals (n= 9 control animals and n = 9 fasted animals, group differences: 83.8%, Bayesian analysis).
e. Fasting resulted in increased CSF LPA 18:1 levels (n= 5 control animals and n = 9 fasted animals, group differences: 96.4%, Bayesian analysis).
f. In the CSF, fasting increased specific LPA levels (n= 6 controls for LPA 16:0, 18:0, 20:0, 20:4 and 5 for 18:2 and n = 10 fasted animals for LPA 16:0, 18:0, 20:0, 20:4 and 9 for LPA 18:2, group differences for LPA 16:0 98.7%, for LPA 18:0 90.3%, for LPA 18:2 76.9%, for LPA 20:0 60.0%, for LPA 20:4 89.2%, Bayesian analysis).
g. Original miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSC) traces illustrating presynaptic release probabilities under control conditions, after fasting (F) and after application of the ATX-inhibitor HA130 after fasting (F + HA130).
h. mEPSC frequencies were significantly increased after fasting (F, P=0.0058) and were reduced to control values (C) when ATX was inhibited by HA-130 (F+HA130, P=0.0077) (n = 12 for C, n = 11 for F, n = 12 for F+HA130, one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction (frequencies, left) or Kruskal-Wallis test (amplitudes, right)). Bars represent mean and SEM.
Box plots and whiskers show data from min to max, line shows median. Points represent individual values. **p<0.01 or group differences of * >80% or **>90% for Bayesian analysis. Illustration was created with BioRender.