Fig. 7. Lymphoid aggregates in CHB chimpanzees treated with GS-9620 contain CXCR5+ B cells.
IHC and ISH staining of serial liver biopsy sections from animal 4x0139 for CD20 (left image, dark brown), CD8 (middle image, dark brown), CD8A RNA (right image, red) and CXCR5 RNA (right image, dark brown) on study day 57. Image magnification is 40X. The scale bars (bottom right of images) represent 50 μm. Higher magnification views of ISH staining are provided on the right. Cells that stained positive for both CD8A RNA and CXCR5 RNA were not detected. Note that biopsies from animals 4x0328 and 4x0506 were not evaluable by ISH (see Supplementary Materials).