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. 2023 Feb 1;33(1):1–16. doi: 10.1089/nat.2022.0061

Table 1.

Summary of the Main Recommended Predictive Assays and the Associated References for Detailed Protocols

OND toxicity Predictive assays In vitro/in vivo References for protocols
Off-target effects In silico evaluation/in vitro validation In silico and in vitro Guidelines published by the OSWG in 2012 (Lindow et al. [16]; Michel et al. [146]; Yoshida et al. [147])
Immunostimulatory effects • Quantification of cytokines/chemokines release in human PBMC or WBA by ELISA
• Quantification of cytokines as well as CCL22 mRNA levels in BJAB cells by qRT-PCR
In vitro Coch et al. [81]; Lankveld et al. [82]; Sewing et al. [104];
Anderson et al. [83]
Toxicities in high exposure organs • Cytotoxicity by caspase assay
Predictive assays for hepatotoxicity:
• Quantification of LDH and ATP in primary hepatocytes
• Caspase assay in transfected mouse 3T3 fibroblasts or human HepG2 cells
• Evaluation of liver enzymes in mice/NHP
Predictive assays for nephrotoxicity:
• Quantification of EGF in human kidney tubule epithelial cells
• Quantification of kidney injury biomarkers using chip-cultured HRPTEC
• Quantification of urinary biomarkers (eg, β2-microglobulin and KIM-1) by ELISA
In vitro

In vitro

In vitro

In vivo

In vitro

In vitro

In vivo
Anderson et al. [83]

Sewing et al. [104,105]

Dieckmann et al. [94]

Burel et al. [95]

Moisan et al. [114]

Nieskens et al. [115]

Echevarría and Goyenvalle [117]
Thrombocytopenia • Evaluation of platelet activation in human or NHP platelet-rich plasma or whole blood by flow cytometry (activation of CD62P and PAC-1) In vitro and in vivo Narayanan et al. [90]; Sewing et al. [71]; Slingsby et al. [85]
Inhibition of coagulation • Quantification of PT and aPTT in vitro in human/mouse/NHP citrated plasma In vitro Echevarría et al. [122]; Relizani et al. [125]
Complement activation • Quantification of split products of the APC (C3a, Bb, and C5a) in vitro in human/NHP/mouse serum In vitro Aupy et al. [123]; Henry et al. [129]; Sewing et al. [71]
CNS-specific toxicities • Prediction of neurotoxicity from sequence features
• Quantification of spontaneous calcium oscillations in primary cortical neuronal cultures
In silico

In vitro
Hagedorn et al. [27]

Hagedorn et al. [27]

APC, alternative pathway of the complement; aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; BJAB, EBV-negative Burkitt-like lymphoma cell line; CCL22, C-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 22; CNS, central nervous system; EGF, epidermal growth factor; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; HRPTEC, human renal proximal tubule epithelial cells; KIM-1, kidney injury molecule-1; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; mRNA, messenger RNA; NHP, non human primate; OND, oligonucleotide drug; OSWG, Oligonucleotide Safety Working Group; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cell; PT, prothrombin time; qRT-PCR, quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction; WBA, whole blood assay.