Extended Data Fig. 6. Bystander editing analysis after two injections of AAV9-ABE8e in each cardiac chamber.
A) Editing efficiency (%) of the targeted pathogenic variant R403Q based on high-throughput sequencing of PCR product amplified from gDNA extracted from LV tissues from untreated (n = 5) and treated (n = 5; two doses of AAV9-ABE8e) mice. Editing efficiency at the dominant heterozygous R403Q pathogenic variant is calculated as: (wild type nucleotide percentage – 50%) divided by 50%. B) Editing efficiencies (%) after two injections based on high-throughput sequencing of PCR products amplified from Myh6 cDNA derived from RNA extracted from the LV (n = 3), RV (n = 3), LA (n = 3), and RA (n = 3) at bystander nucleotides A10, A11 or both (A10/11). Data are presented as mean values ±SD. These data are summarized in Fig. 3.