Whole proteome analysis of AK mice and WT mice.A, flowchart for the identification of omics in myocardial samples from WT and AK mice. B, volcano plot of differential protein quantify for proteomics. Yellow represents upregulated proteins and blue represents downregulated proteins. C, subcellular structure diagram of differential proteins. D, GO analysis results of differential proteins (yellow: biological process; green: cellular component; purple: molecular function). E, COG/KOG pathway of differential proteins (purple: cellular processes and signaling, green: information storage and processing, yellow: metabolism, blue: poorly characterized). F, top enriched items for KEGG pathway analysis in differential proteins. The vertical axis is the functional category or pathway, and the horizontal axis is the proportion of differentially expressed modified proteins in this functional type compared to the proportion of identified proteins. Gradation from yellow to purple indicates a decreasing p value. AK, AMPKα2 knockout; AMPKα2, AMP-activated protein kinase alpha 2; GO: Gene Ontology; KEGG, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes; KOG/COG: clusters of orthologous groups of proteins.