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. 2023 Feb 20;177(4):373–383. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.5975

Table 1. Study Characteristics and Screening Metrics for M-CHAT(-R/F).

Source Total No.a Screen age, mob Evaluation age, mob HL, LL, or mixed M-CHAT language FU ASD detectionc TP FN FP TN Sens Specd
Baduel et al,17 2017 1250 22-26 24-34 LL French Y C: FN strategy 12 6 8 1201 0.667 0.993
Beacham et al,18 2018 154 16-45 16-45 HL English N C: all eval 105 19 14 16 0.847 0.533
Canal-Bedia et al,19 2011 2480 18-36 18-48 Mixede Spanish Y C: weak 23 0 43 2414 1.000 0.980f
Carbone et al,8 2020 26 364 16-30 46.8 (17.7)g LL English Y/Nh P: record 125 253 579 25 407 0.331 0.978
Chang et al,20 2021 990 17-37 17-37 LL English Y C: FN strategy 31 7 11 941 0.816 0.988
Charman et al,21 2016 543 18-56 32-73 HL English N C: all eval 45 10 32.5 32.5 0.818 0.500
Chlebowski et al,22 2013 18 989 16-30 25.8 (4.5) LL English or Spanish Y C: FN strategy 92 6 79 18 289 0.939 0.996
Choueiri et al,23 2021 80 18-36 18-36 HL English N C: all eval 53 3 0 24 0.946 1.000
Christopher et al,24 2021 290 18-48 18-48 HL English Y C: all eval 170 48 48 24 0.780 0.333
Coelho-Medeiros et al,25 2019 120 16-30 16-30 Mixede Spanish (Chile) Y C: FN strategy 18 0 4 97 1.000 0.960
Dereu et al,26 2012 199 16-31 13-51 HL Dutch N C: FN strategy 10 4 22 163 0.714i 0.881
DiGuiseppi et al,27 2010 85 20-86 20-86 HL English or Spanish N C: FN strategy 9 2 26 38 0.818 0.594
Dudova et al,28 2014 157 ≈24 NA HL Czechj N C: FN strategy 9 4 9 112 0.692 0.926
Eaves et al,29 2006 84 17-48 22-53 HL English N C: all eval 48 4 22 8 0.923 0.267
Guo et al,30 2019 7928 16-30 23 (4) LL Chinese Y C: FN strategy 72 10 103 7166 0.878 0.986
Guthrie et al,9 2019k 20 375 16-26 17-88 LL English or Spanish Y/Nh P: record 225 229 1247 18 674 0.496 0.937
Harris et al,31 2021l 360 24-48 NA LL English or Spanish Y C: FN strategy 8 29 4 315 0.216 0.987
Hoang et al,32 2019 17 277 18-30 18-30 LL Vietnamese N C: FN strategy 129 1 118 17 021 0.992 0.993
Inada et al,33 2011 1187 17-23 35-44 LL Japanese N P: FN strategy 11 9 46 1121 0.550 0.961
Jonsdottir et al,34 2022 1586 31.7 (1.7) NAm LL Icelandic Y P: record 18 11 7 1549 0.621 0.988
Kamio et al,35 2014 1851 17-26 33-73 LL Japanese Y P: FN strategy 29n 22 24 1661 0.569 0.986
Kanne et al,36 2018 158 18-48 24-32 HL English Y C: all eval 96 23 24 15 0.807 0.385
Kara et al,37 2014 618 18-36 24-42 Mixede Turkish Y C: FN strategy 45 2 15 534 0.957 0.973
Keehn et al,38 2021 605 18-48 18-48 HL English Y C: all eval 198 31 234 142 0.865 0.378
Kerub et al,39 2020 1591 18-36 NAo LL Hebrew Y P: record 7 3 43 1538 0.700 0.973
Kim et al,40 2016 827 14-43p 110-151 HL English N P: all eval 30 28 123 646 0.517 0.840
Kleinman et al,41 2008q 1416 16-30 52.2 (8.0)g Mixede English Y P: FN strategy 73 7 51 1285 0.913 0.962
Koh et al,42 2014 580 17-48 18-69 HL English or Chinese N C: all eval 158 41 123 258 0.794 0.677
Magán-Maganto et al,43 2020 6625 14-36 23-36 LL Spanish Y C: FN strategy 15 4 24 6542 0.789 0.996
Matson et al,44 2013 552 16-30 16-30 HL English N C: all eval 150 101 150 151 0.598 0.502
Oner and Munir,45 2020 6712 16-36 16-41 LL Turkish Y C: weak 57 0 95 6388 1.000 0.985
Robins et al,46 2014 16 041 16-30 26.2 (5.5) LL English Y C: FN strategy 105 18 116 15 496 0.854 0.993
Salim et al,47 2020 143 18-48 18-48 HL Indonesian N C: all eval 16 1 27 99 0.941 0.786
Salisbury et al,48 2018 485 16-48 16-48 HL English N C: all eval 220 77 82 106 0.741 0.564
Samadi and McConkey,49 2015 2941 24-60 24-60 LL Kurdish or Persian N C: FN strategy 25 3 45 2380 0.903r 0.981
Schjølberg et al,50 2022s 54 436 19.0 (1.2) ≈42 LL Norwegian N P: record 105 232 4048 50 078 0.312 0.925
Smith et al,51 2013 217 18-48 18-48 HL English N C: all eval 97 39 31 50 0.713 0.617
Snow and Lecavalier,52 2008 56 18-48 18-48 HL English N C: all eval 38 5 8 5 0.884 0.385
Srisinghasongkram et al,53 2016 (sample 1) 109 18-48 18-48 HL Thai Y C: all eval 40 5 1 63 0.889 0.984
Srisinghasongkram et al,53 2016 (sample 2) 732 18-48 18-48 LL Thai Y C: FN strategy 9 0 1 722 1.000 0.999
Sturner et al,54 2016 5071 18-24 14-41 LL English Y C: FN strategy 23 16 17 4772 0.590 0.996
Sturner et al,55 2022 408 16-20 20.5 (1.9) LL English Y C: FN strategy 46 17 118 227 0.730 0.658
Taylor et al,56 2014 145 28.1 (4.8) 28.1 (4.8) HL English N C: all eval 74 12 26 33 0.860 0.559
Toh et al,57 2018 19 297 15-36 NA LL Malay, Chinese, or English N P: record 18 32 20 19 227 0.360 0.999
Tsai et al,58 2019 317 16-32 36-37 Mixed Mandarin Chinese Y P: all eval 22 3 19 273 0.860r 0.935
Thi Vui et al,59 2022 40 243 18-30 NA LL Vietnamese N C: FN strategy 302 3 193 39 726 0.990 0.995
Weitlauf et al,60 2015 74 16-21 18-43 HL English Y C: FN strategy 21 6 7 29 0.778 0.806
Wieckowski et al,61 2021t 3052 17-22 18-60 LL English or Spanish Y C: FN strategy 61 13 79 2729 0.824 0.972
Windiani et al,62 2016 110 18-48 18-48 HL Indonesian Y C: all eval 16 2 5 87 0.889 0.946
Wong et al,63 2018 236 18-47 18-47 HL Chinese N C: all eval 99 14 58 65 0.876 0.528
Zhang et al,64 2022 11 190 18-24 23.1 (4.6) LL Chinese Y C: FN strategy 33 15u 56u 11 056u 0.688 0.995

Abbreviations: all eval, all participants evaluated; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; C, concurrent; FN, false negative; FP, false positive; FU, M-CHAT(-R/F) Follow-up administration; HL, high likelihood for ASD; LL, low likelihood for ASD; M-CHAT(-R/F), Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers and Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised With Follow-up (original and revised versions combined); N, no; NA, not available; P, prospective; record, medical record review; Sens, sensitivity; Spec, specificity; TN, true negative; TP, true positive; Y, yes; Y/N, Y, but not consistently.


Refers to sample who received the M-CHAT(-R/F).


Range reported for entire sample who received M-CHAT(-R/F), when available. If not available, mean (SD) is reported. If mean (SD) was not available, an estimate from the article or from communication with authors is reported.


Strategy used to detect FN cases.


Specificity was recalculated from the raw numbers so that TN cases included presumed TN results (ie, including children who screened negative but were not further evaluated) for consistency across studies, unless noted otherwise. Negative screen results were presumed to be TN unless there was other presented evidence.


Reclassified as low risk for analyses because most participants were low risk.


True negative and specificity taken directly from article and not recalculated due to missing information.


Age of evaluation is for ASD sample only; age for non-ASD sample is unknown.


Yes/no was reclassified for analyses: Carbone et al8 was reclassified as N based on few practices using the Follow-up portion of the M-CHAT-R/F, and Guthrie et al9 was reclassified as Y even though the Follow-up portion of the M-CHAT-R/F was not always used, given that it was built into the medical record system and intended to be used when indicated.


Sensitivity differs slightly from that reported in the article because of a focus on M-CHAT(-R/F) only.


Language presumed as not directly reported in the article.


Values were obtained from the main author for repeated screenings and do not match those reported in the article for single screening.


Subsample of children screened before 48 months of age only is reported. Values were obtained from communication with the main author.


Age of evaluation was up to 18 months after the age of screening.


P value differs from the one reported in the article because of the addition of 9 nonresponders who needed the Follow-up portion of the M-CHAT-R/F but did not complete it and had confirmed ASD.


Age of evaluation was within 10 months of screenings.


Screen age reported is uncorrected for prematurity.


Study 2 sample only presented and analyzed because of overlap of sample 1 with Chlebowski et al.22


Sensitivity calculation slightly differs from article’s reported sensitivity owing to rounding in calculation from raw numbers.


Information for M-CHAT23 is reported.


Information is reported for 18-month screening start age only.


Numbers adjusted to include the 12 screen-negative children with a diagnosis of ASD during subsequent well-child visit and follow-up.