HWISE candidate survey items used in this analysis to operationalize water insecurity by subdomain
Water insecurity subdomains |
In the last 4 weeks, how frequently…* | Subdomain extraction component (by PCA) |
Water quantity | Did you or anyone in your household worry you would not have enough water for all of your household needs? | 0.440 |
Has there not been enough water in the household to wash clothes? | 0.542 | |
Have you or anyone in your household had to go without washing hands after dirty activities (eg, defecating or changing diapers, cleaning animal dung) because of problems with water? | 0.578 | |
Have you or anyone in your household had to go without washing their body because of problems with water (eg, not enough water, dirty, unsafe)? | 0.634 | |
Has there not been as much water to drink as you would like for you or anyone in your household? | 0.636 | |
Have you or anyone in your household gone to sleep thirsty because there was no water to drink? | 0.429 | |
Has there been no useable or drinkable water whatsoever in your household? | 0.530 | |
Water quality | Have you or anyone in your household drank water that looked, tasted, and/or smelled bad? | 0.926 |
Have you or anyone in your household drank water that you thought was unsafe? | 0.926 | |
Time and labor costs | Have problems with water prevented you or anyone in your household from earning money? | 0.781 |
Did the children in your household miss school or go to school late because of problems with water (eg, time spent fetching water, lack of water for bathing)? | 0.749 | |
How long does it take to get water and come back? (minutes, categorized as 0, no time, 1 less than 1 hour/day, 2 more than 1 hour/day)** | 0.664 | |
Changing what was eaten | Have you or anyone in your household had to change what was being eaten because there were problems with water (eg, for washing foods, cooking)? | N/A |
Items were scores as 0 = never or not applicable, 1 = rarely (1–2 times), 2 = sometimes (3–10 times), 3 = often (11-20 times), or 4 = always (>20 times), with the exception of the question about duration (**), which was scored as 0 = no time, 1 = 1-59 minutes/day, 2≥1 hour/day). Items within each subdomain were summed, with the exception of changing what was eaten (only one item in that domain) and time spent collecting water, which was excluded because it was scored differently.