A) Lines generated by integrating the indicated transcription factor (TF) expression vectors into the F3/FOXL2-T2A-tdTomato hiPSC reporter line were evaluated by flow cytometry for FOXL2, CD82, EPCAM, and follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR). Note that line F3/N.T #5 lacks the RUNX2 expression vector (see panel C). (
B) Lines generated by integrating the indicated TF expression vectors into the F66 wild-type hiPSC line were evaluated by flow cytometry for CD82 and EPCAM, as well as for estradiol production and qPCR to measure
AMHR2 expression (the no-TF control was used as a reference for calculating ∆∆Ct). (
C) Genotyping to detect integrated TF expression vectors in selected lines. The negative control was wild-type F66 gDNA, and the positive control was gDNA plus TF Library #1. Primer sequences are listed in
Supplementary file 1.