Quantitative analysis of representative proteoforms inthebrain mapped to protein-protein interaction network.A, several proteoform clusters revealed significant differences in the protein–protein interaction network between the cortex and hypothalamus region. Proteins either had higher abundance in the cortex (light blue), hypothalamus (pink), or had mixed abundance profiles between the two regions. The box next to the circle corresponds to one representative proteoform for the protein with lowest p-value, which is colored with log2(C/H) with dark blue for higher expression in the cortex and red with higher abundance in the hypothalamus. In the case of proteins with mixed abundance profiles, two proteoforms with the lowest p-value and enriched in the cortex and hypothalamus were shown. Each line between proteins has interaction evidence in the String database. B, violin plots showing the abundances of Calm2-N-acetyl& 2 acetyl and Calm2-N-acetyl&acetyl&[+446.956], (C) Tmsb4x N-acetyl and Tmsb4x N-acetyl & [−56.05], as well as (D) Hmgn2(2–90) and Hmgn2(30–90) in the cortex: C and hypothalamus: H regions.