Extended Data Fig. 1 |. Senescence-induction in non-senescent mouse cells (MDFs) in culture by serum from old mice.
(a) mRNA levels for Cdkn2a and Cdkn1a and SASP factors Il6, Mmp3 and Laminb1, normalized to Actb mRNA, determined by RT–PCR (n = 8 for young or old serum treatment for 3 days; n = 4 for young + old (50/50) serum treatment for 3 days). (b) Representative EdU (green; EdU negative non-proliferating SnCs in arrows), HMGB1 (red; SnCs marked by HMGB1 nuclear loss with arrows), Hoechst labelled nuclei (blue) visualized by fluorescence microscopy (3–6 images per n) and SA-β-gal staining (3–7 images per n) and (c) quantification of EdU-positive SnCs in MDFs 3 days after culturing in young, old or young + old (50/50) mouse serum (n = 4 for each group). (d) Bioluminescence from 3MR-expressing cells (Renilla luciferase assay) in non-senescent MDFs from cultured in young (4-month-old), old (32-month-old) or young+old (50/50) mouse serum for 6 days (A.U.) (n = 4 for young or old mouse serum; n = 6 for young+old mouse serum). Data are means ± s.e.m. of biologically independent samples. Statistical significance was tested using one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s post hoc test for multiple comparisons with *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. Scale bars, 100 μm. Rel, relative.