Antidepressants cause chromosomal mutations and multidrug resistance. Circos figure indicates the genes where SNPs happen chromosomally. (A) Bacterial population sequencing results. Circles from innermost to outermost are 50 mg/L sertraline 15 d-, 50 mg/L sertraline 30 d-, 50 mg/L sertraline 60 d-, 50 mg/L duloxetine 15 d-, 50 mg/L duloxetine 30 d-, 50 mg/L duloxetine 60 d-, 100 mg/L bupropion 30 d-, 100 mg/L escitalopram 30 d-, and 100 mg/L agomelatine 30 d-exposed bacterial population, respectively, with biological triplicate. (B) Mutant sequencing results. Circles from innermost to outermost are mutant strains of 1 mg/L sertraline-induced mutants on chloramphenicol-, tetracycline-selective plates (60-d exposure), 50 mg/L sertraline-induced mutants on chloramphenicol-, tetracycline-, ciprofloxacin-, amoxicillin-selective plates (60-d exposure), 50 mg/L sertraline-induced mutants on chloramphenicol-, tetracycline-selective plates (1-d exposure), and 50 mg/L sertraline-induced mutants on chloramphenicol-selective plate (30-d exposure), respectively, with biological triplicate. See also SI Appendix, Tables S14 and S15.