Extended Data Table 2.
Abbreviations for priors are as follows: U = uniform prior, with numbers indicating lower and upper limits; LU = log-uniform prior, with numbers indicating lower and upper limits; N = normal prior, with numbers indicating mean and sigma; LN = log-normal prior, with numbers indicating mean and sigma. The notation ``spec-fixed’’ indicates that a value was fit in the white-light curve and fixed to the best-fit value for the spectroscopic light curves.
* Note that different fitting methods used different parameterizations of the planetary orbit and noise model, so not all methods fit for all of the listed parameters. Parameters marked with “N/A” were not fit in that method and were instead derived from the other fitted parameters.
† Subscripts 0, 1, etc. indicate the 0th, 1st, etc. order terms in polynomial models.
‡ The GP model was only applied to the white-light curve. For the spectroscopic light curves, the divide-white method102 was used to remove the GP systematics.