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. 2023 Feb 15;12:e22. doi: 10.1017/jns.2023.7

Table 3.

Mean estimates of energy-adjusted intakes of nutrients (by the density model) derived from the 4-day weighed dietary record (DR) and those derived from the web and paper versions of the food combination questionnaire (FCQ), and Pearson correlation coefficients between these estimates in 111 Japanese women and 111 Japanese men*

Women Men
Pearson Correlation coefficient Pearson Correlation coefficient
DR Web FCQ Paper FCQ DR and web FCQ DR and paper FCQ DR Web FCQ Paper FCQ DR and web FCQ DR and paper FCQ
Protein (% energy) 15⋅0 ± 2⋅5 13⋅2 ± 0⋅9c 13⋅3 ± 0⋅9c 0⋅36c 0⋅34c 14⋅0 ± 2⋅2 12⋅8 ± 0⋅8c 13⋅0 ± 0⋅8c 0⋅38c 0⋅33c
Fat (% energy) 31⋅4 ± 4⋅9 26⋅7 ± 2⋅6c 26⋅9 ± 2⋅5c 0⋅30b 0⋅32c 28⋅9 ± 5⋅5 25⋅7 ± 2⋅3c 26⋅0 ± 2⋅0c 0⋅34c 0⋅34c
SFA (% energy) 9⋅4 ± 2⋅0 7⋅5 ± 1⋅2c 7⋅6 ± 1⋅1c 0⋅42c 0⋅41c 8⋅3 ± 1⋅9 7⋅0 ± 1⋅0c 7⋅1 ± 0⋅9c 0⋅39c 0⋅28b
MUFA (% energy) 11⋅9 ± 2⋅3 10⋅0 ± 1⋅0c 10⋅1 ± 0⋅9c 0⋅22a 0⋅25b 11⋅3 ± 2⋅5 9⋅7 ± 0⋅9c 9⋅8 ± 0⋅8c 0⋅30b 0⋅33c
PUFA (% energy) 6⋅4 ± 1⋅5 6⋅1 ± 0⋅4 6⋅2 ± 0⋅4 0⋅23a 0⋅24a 5⋅9 ± 1⋅5 6⋅1 ± 0⋅4 6⋅1 ± 0⋅3c 0⋅26b 0⋅45c
n-6 PUFA (% energy) 4⋅1 ± 1⋅0 4⋅0 ± 0⋅3 4⋅0 ± 0⋅3 0⋅21a 0⋅21a 3⋅7 ± 1⋅0 3⋅9 ± 0⋅2 3⋅9 ± 0⋅2a 0⋅21a 0⋅37c
n-3 PUFA (% energy) 0⋅87 ± 0⋅34 0⋅80 ± 0⋅07a 0⋅80 ± 0⋅06a 0⋅16  0⋅29b 0⋅84 ± 0⋅37 0⋅79 ± 0⋅07 0⋅81 ± 0⋅07 0⋅22a 0⋅33c
Marine-origin n-3 PUFA (% energy) 0⋅27 ± 0⋅22 0⋅20 ± 0⋅05c 0⋅20 ± 0⋅04c 0⋅36c 0⋅31c 0⋅27 ± 0⋅2 0⋅21 ± 0⋅05b 0⋅21 ± 0⋅05b 0⋅21a 0⋅22a
EPA (% energy) 0⋅09 ± 0⋅08 0⋅06 ± 0⋅02b 0⋅06 ± 0⋅01b 0⋅34c 0⋅3b 0⋅09 ± 0⋅07 0⋅07 ± 0⋅02b 0⋅07 ± 0⋅02a 0⋅21a 0⋅21a
n-3 DPA (% energy) 0⋅03 ± 0⋅02 0⋅02 ± 0⋅00c 0⋅02 ± 0⋅00c 0⋅38c 0⋅32c 0⋅03 ± 0⋅02 0⋅02 ± 0⋅00c 0⋅02 ± 0⋅00c 0⋅25b 0⋅28b
DHA (% energy) 0⋅16 ± 0⋅12 0⋅12 ± 0⋅03c 0⋅12 ± 0⋅02c 0⋅35c 0⋅31b 0⋅15 ± 0⋅11 0⋅12 ± 0⋅03b 0⋅12 ± 0⋅03b 0⋅20a 0⋅21a
α-Linolenic acid (% energy) 0⋅56 ± 0⋅27 0⋅57 ± 0⋅04 0⋅58 ± 0⋅04 −0⋅02  −0⋅03 0⋅54 ± 0⋅30 0⋅56 ± 0⋅04 0⋅57 ± 0⋅03 0⋅08  0⋅25b
Cholesterol (mg/1000 kcal) 177 ± 57 138 ± 16c 140 ± 16c 0⋅29b 0⋅33c 168 ± 53 137 ± 19c 141 ± 18c 0⋅31c 0⋅27b
Carbohydrate (% energy) 50⋅5 ± 6⋅7 56⋅4 ± 3⋅6c 56⋅8 ± 3⋅7c 0⋅52c 0⋅57c 49⋅8 ± 7⋅5 56⋅7 ± 3⋅6c 56⋅7 ± 3⋅2c 0⋅36c 0⋅59c
Added sugar (% of energy) 6⋅9 ± 3⋅4 4⋅8 ± 1⋅1c 4⋅8 ± 0⋅9c 0⋅21a 0⋅27b 6⋅3 ± 4⋅9 4⋅4 ± 1⋅1c 4⋅5 ± 1⋅0c 0⋅36c 0⋅17 
Soluble dietary fibre (g/1000 kcal) 1⋅72 ± 0⋅51 1⋅53 ± 0⋅22c 1⋅59 ± 0⋅22b 0⋅38c 0⋅45c 1⋅43 ± 0⋅44 1⋅43 ± 0⋅27 1⋅49 ± 0⋅25 0⋅35c 0⋅41c
Insoluble dietary fibre (g/1000 kcal) 5⋅16 ± 1⋅49 5⋅02 ± 0⋅64 5⋅20 ± 0⋅60 0⋅40c 0⋅46c 4⋅29 ± 1⋅13 4⋅70 ± 0⋅80c 4⋅93 ± 0⋅74c 0⋅42c 0⋅56c
Total dietary fibre (g/1000 kcal) 7⋅1 ± 1⋅9 6⋅9 ± 0⋅9 7⋅1 ± 0⋅9 0⋅41c 0⋅48c 5⋅9 ± 1⋅5 6⋅4 ± 1⋅2c 6⋅8 ± 1⋅1c 0⋅43c 0⋅55c
Alcohol (% energy) 2⋅08 ± 4⋅50 2⋅44 ± 2⋅03 1⋅75 ± 2⋅45 0⋅72c 0⋅81c 5⋅82 ± 7⋅99 3⋅31 ± 2⋅45c 2⋅84 ± 2⋅59c 0⋅48c 0⋅69c
Water (g/1000 kcal) 1307 ± 384 1055 ± 246c 1100 ± 270c −0⋅19a −0⋅31c 1179 ± 247 748 ± 222c 788 ± 198c 0⋅18  0⋅16 
Retinol (μg/1000 kcal) 110 ± 203 149 ± 31a 152 ± 32a −0⋅04 −0⋅03 114 ± 282 143 ± 29 148 ± 25 0⋅10  0⋅06 
α-Carotene (μg/1000 kcal) 286 ± 288 240 ± 77 260 ± 69 0⋅28b 0⋅25b 229 ± 217 222 ± 94 254 ± 88 0⋅24a 0⋅26b
β-Carotene (μg/1000 kcal) 1335 ± 853 1313 ± 397 1415 ± 358 0⋅34c 0⋅32c 1074 ± 656 1203 ± 481a 1363 ± 458c 0⋅31b 0⋅32c
Cryptoxanthin (μg/1000 kcal) 52⋅0 ± 98⋅4 113⋅5 ± 26⋅0c 122⋅0 ± 25⋅6c 0⋅17  0⋅25b 29⋅6 ± 49⋅0 101⋅5 ± 27⋅5c 103⋅9 ± 29⋅4c 0⋅18 0⋅28b
β-Carotene equivalent (μg/1000 kcal) 1524 ± 985 1509 ± 437 1626 ± 395 0⋅35c 0⋅32c 1223 ± 755 1381 ± 533a 1560 ± 507c 0⋅29b 0⋅32c
Retinol equivalent§ (μg/1000 kcal) 237 ± 222 276 ± 47 288 ± 50a 0⋅03  0⋅08 217 ± 291 259 ± 55 279 ± 50a 0⋅13  0⋅08 
Vitamin D (μg/1000 kcal) 3⋅45 ± 2⋅30 2⋅72 ± 0⋅47c 2⋅73 ± 0⋅40c 0⋅35c 0⋅39c 3⋅09 ± 2⋅00 2⋅70 ± 0⋅50a 2⋅81 ± 0⋅50 0⋅12  0⋅41c
α-Tocopherol (mg/1000 kcal) 4⋅01 ± 0⋅88 3⋅72 ± 0⋅31c 3⋅80 ± 0⋅33b 0⋅24a 0⋅29b 3⋅61 ± 0⋅89 3⋅57 ± 0⋅37 3⋅67 ± 0⋅33 0⋅26b 0⋅38c
Vitamin K (μg/1000 kcal) 112⋅6 ± 50⋅4 101⋅2 ± 23⋅6a 106⋅4 ± 21⋅4 0⋅38c 0⋅36c 92⋅1 ± 43⋅2 93⋅6 ± 26⋅2 102⋅8 ± 26⋅0b 0⋅16  0⋅35c
Thiamine (mg/1000 kcal) 0⋅50 ± 0⋅13 0⋅43 ± 0⋅04c 0⋅43 ± 0⋅04c 0⋅32c 0⋅41c 0⋅46 ± 0⋅10 0⋅41 ± 0⋅04c 0⋅42 ± 0⋅04c 0⋅42c 0⋅37c
Riboflavine (mg/1000 kcal) 0⋅66 ± 0⋅15 0⋅60 ± 0⋅06c 0⋅61 ± 0⋅06c 0⋅42c 0⋅47c 0⋅58 ± 0⋅15 0⋅56 ± 0⋅06 0⋅58 ± 0⋅06 0⋅44c 0⋅41c
Niacine (mg/1000 kcal) 9⋅5 ± 2⋅4 8⋅2 ± 0⋅9c 8⋅2 ± 0⋅8c 0⋅27b 0⋅26b 9⋅1 ± 2⋅2 8⋅0 ± 0⋅9c 8⋅3 ± 1⋅0c 0⋅36c 0⋅25b
Vitamin B6 (mg/1000 kcal) 0⋅65 ± 0⋅18 0⋅55 ± 0⋅06c 0⋅56 ± 0⋅06c 0⋅44c 0⋅47c 0⋅61 ± 0⋅15 0⋅53 ± 0⋅07c 0⋅56 ± 0⋅07c 0⋅34c 0⋅42c
Vitamin B12 (μg/1000 kcal) 2⋅83 ± 1⋅61 2⋅92 ± 0⋅46 2⋅93 ± 0⋅42 0⋅28b 0⋅33c 2⋅62 ± 1⋅50 2⋅90 ± 0⋅48 3⋅00 ± 0⋅48b 0⋅16  0⋅20a
Folate (μg/1000 kcal) 158 ± 48 164 ± 22 171 ± 21b 0⋅26b 0⋅36c 135 ± 49 152 ± 29c 164 ± 27c 0⋅24b 0⋅36c
Pantothenic acid (mg/1000 kcal) 3⋅03 ± 0⋅56 2⋅71 ± 0⋅18c 2⋅77 ± 0⋅20c 0⋅40c 0⋅41c 2⋅73 ± 0⋅54 2⋅59 ± 0⋅20b 2⋅68 ± 0⋅19 0⋅44c 0⋅41c
Vitamin C (mg/1000 kcal) 46 ± 19 47 ± 8 50 ± 8a 0⋅34c 0⋅48c 40 ± 17 42 ± 11c 46 ± 10c 0⋅33c 0⋅51c
Sodium (mg/1000 kcal) 1937 ± 432 2408 ± 182c 2425 ± 155c 0⋅19a 0⋅19  1900 ± 490 2450 ± 219 2434 ± 187c 0⋅34c 0⋅2a
Potassium (mg/1000 kcal) 1307 ± 299 1200 ± 128 1241 ± 132b 0⋅45c 0⋅55c 1119 ± 246 1115 ± 159c 1187 ± 165c 0⋅55c 0⋅53c
Calcium (mg/1000 kcal) 277 ± 96 249 ± 44c 258 ± 47b 0⋅54c 0⋅61c 222 ± 85 218 ± 40 231 ± 42 0⋅51c 0⋅51c
Magnesium (mg/1000 kcal) 141 ± 32 137 ± 11 139 ± 10 0⋅45c 0⋅51c 123 ± 26 131 ± 13c 136 ± 14c 0⋅49c 0⋅49c
Phosphorus (mg/1000 kcal) 555 ± 100 499 ± 34c 507 ± 39c 0⋅54c 0⋅53c 497 ± 93 475 ± 34b 489 ± 36 0⋅49c 0⋅50c
Iron (mg/1000 kcal) 3⋅91 ± 0⋅95 3⋅79 ± 0⋅32 3⋅86 ± 0⋅29 0⋅43c 0⋅48c 3⋅40 ± 0⋅74 3⋅66 ± 0⋅34c 3⋅79 ± 0⋅37c 0⋅41c 0⋅51c
Zinc (mg/1000 kcal) 4⋅40 ± 0⋅77 4⋅01 ± 0⋅23c 4⋅06 ± 0⋅23c 0⋅24a 0⋅25b 4⋅06 ± 0⋅66 3⋅93 ± 0⋅26a 4⋅02 ± 0⋅23 0⋅47c 0⋅38c
Copper (mg/1000 kcal) 0⋅58 ± 0⋅12 0⋅57 ± 0⋅04 0⋅58 ± 0⋅04 0⋅42c 0⋅46c 0⋅52 ± 0⋅09 0⋅57 ± 0⋅04c 0⋅58 ± 0⋅04c 0⋅45c 0⋅51c
Manganese (mg/1000 kcal) 1⋅68 ± 0⋅53 1⋅95 ± 0⋅24c 2⋅00 ± 0⋅24c 0⋅24a 0⋅32c 1⋅58 ± 0⋅52 1⋅90 ± 0⋅27c 2⋅00 ± 0⋅25c 0⋅22a 0⋅34c

SFA, saturated fatty acids; MUFA, monounsaturated fatty acids; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acids; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; DPA, docosapentaenoic acid; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid.


P < 0⋅05; bP < 0⋅01; cP < 0⋅001.


Values are means ± standard deviations, unless otherwise indicated. The values derived from the MDHQ were compared with those derived from the DR using the paired t-test.

Sum of EPA, n-3 DPA and DHA.

Sum of β-carotene, α-carotene/2 and cryptoxanthin/2.


Sum of retinol, β-carotene/12, α-carotene/24 and cryptoxanthin/24.