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. 2023 Feb 7;39(7):2509–2519. doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.2c02657

Table 2. Results of the Homogeneity Analyses of the Six LNP and Liposome Formulationsb.

formulation (set #) mean Z-avr (nm) sbb (nm) sw/in (nm) sr (nm) uh (nm) mean PdI sPdI
ALNP (1) 127.3 2.90 1.40 0.47 3.25 0.027 0.014
ALNP (2) 122.7 0.29 0.30 0.32 0.53 0.046 0.009
ALNP (3) 123.6 0.16 0.42 0.32 0.55 0.036 0.008
ALNP (4) 123.0 0.26 0.46 0.32 0.62 0.046 0.008
NLNP (1) 85.8 1.46 0.37 0.19 1.52 0.118 0.012
NLNP (2) 112.2 5.20 0.45 0.30 5.23 0.157 0.010
NLNP (3) 110.3 3.81 0.33 0.39 3.84 0.162 0.007
NLNP (4) 110.3 5.43 0.26 0.30 5.44 0.162 0.010
CLNP (1) 245.8 11.07 8.95 0.86 14.26 0.060 0.031
CLNP (2) 311.6 22.11 10.17 2.57 24.47 0.185 0.058
CLNP (3) 298.1 7.76 20.10 1.58 21.60 0.207 0.043
CLNP (4) 310.6 18.16a   2.39 18.32 0.156 0.035
AHC (1) 90.5 0.18 0.55 0.19 0.61 0.059 0.012
AHC (2) 91.3 0.27 0.61 0.33 0.74 0.055 0.013
AHC (3) 90.4 0.21 0.12 0.20 0.31 0.046 0.008
AHC (4) 90.8 0.30a   0.26 0.40 0.055 0.010
NHC (1) 105.8 0.77 0.70 0.25 1.07 0.091 0.012
NHC (2) 105.3 1.24 0.45 0.22 1.34 0.089 0.011
NHC (3) 104.5 1.72 0.32 0.23 1.76 0.076 0.011
NHC (4) 105.8 0.58 0.50 0.26 0.81 0.094 0.012
CHC (1) 90.7 0.29 0.90 0.28 0.99 0.097 0.017
CHC (2) 90.2 0.43 0.76 0.16 0.89 0.080 0.011
CHC (3) 90.1 0.65 0.19 0.24 0.72 0.077 0.011
CHC (4) 91.0 0.55a   0.23 0.60 0.088 0.012

Standard deviation of the set measurements.


Mean Z-avr is a set mean value of the intensity-weighted hydrodynamic diameter; sbb, sw/in, and sr are between-vial, within-vial, and repeatability Z-avr standard deviations; uh is a combined standard uncertainty, and mean PdI and sPdI are a set mean value and a standard deviation of the PdI.