Table 1.
Mean ± SD/ Median (IQR)/ Participants, no. (%) |
Demographics | |
Age (years) | 55.75 ± 11.22 |
Male sex | 84 (68%) |
Years of education | 12.00 (6.00) |
Stroke characteristics | |
Right-sided hemiplegia | 70 (57%) |
Time since stroke (months) | 14.00 (22.00) |
Hemorrhagic stroke diagnosis | 55 (44%) |
NIHSS score | 4.00 (3.00) |
Baseline Assessment Scores | |
FMA-UE | 30.00 (14.00) |
BBT | 1.00 (13.25) |
CAHAI | 31.50 (20.25) |
WMFT-Time | 12.11 (8.14) |
WMFT-Quality | 2.41 ± 0.54 |
FIM | 110.00 (12.25) |
MAL-AOU | 0.91 (1.01) |
MAL-QOM | 0.59 (0.99) |
NEADL | 28.00 (25.25) |
SIS-Total | 63.13 ± 12.04 |
SIS-ADL | 37.50 (10.25) |
SD standard deviation, IQR interquartile range, NIHSS National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, FMA-UE Upper Extremity subscale of the Fugl-Meyer Assessment, BBT Box and Block Test, CAHAI Chedoke Arm and Hand Activity Inventory, WMFT Wolf Motor Function Test, FIM Functional Independence Measure, MAL Motor Activity Log, AOU Amount of Use, QOM Quality of Movement, NEADL Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living, SIS Stroke Impact Scale, ADL Activities of Daily Living