Table 1.
Qualitative comparison of the tools for pairs extraction from 3C+ sequencing data.
Tool | Short description | Input | Output | Modular | Flexible | Aligner | Restriction sites | Quality control | Support for modified 3C+ protocols |
Pairtools | python API/CLI tools | .sam alignments | pairs | Yes | Yes | bwa mem, bwa mem2, minimap2, bwa aln | Yes | Aggregated stats, scaling | Haplotype-resolved; chemical modification-based; multi-contact; single-cell |
Chromap 63 | single executable | .fastq reads | contact maps | No | No | chromap | No | No | No |
Juicer 64 | java/shell script pipeline | .fastq reads | pairs and contact maps | No | Yes | bwa mem | Yes | Aggregated stats | Haplotype-resolved |
HiC-Pro 65 | python/R/shell script pipeline | .fastq reads | pairs and contact maps | No | Yes | bowtie2 | Yes | QC report | Haplotype-resolved |
HiCExplorer 66 | python API/CLI tools | .sam alignments | contact maps | Yes * | Yes | bwa mem | Yes | QC report | No |
FANC 67 | python API/CLI tools | .fastq reads or .sam alignments | pairs | Yes | Yes | bwa mem, bowtie2 | Yes | QC report | No |
TADbit 68 | python API/CLI tools | .fastq reads or .sam alignments | parsed reads or contact maps | Yes | Yes | gem, bowtie2, hisat | Yes | Yes | No |
We consider methods modular if they have multiple tools that can be used separately or combined in a custom order. HiCExplorer is modular, but its tool for contact extraction is not (indicated with *). We consider methods flexible if they allow parameterization of data processing (e.g., restriction enzyme). We do not consider control only over technical parameters, like the number of cores, to be flexible. For restriction sites, we consider whether a method can either annotate or filter by restriction site.