Figure 1: Crossed reflex responses in wild type, V0kill and V3off mice.
a, Schematic of the experimental setup. Nerve cuff electrodes to the left tibial or sural nerve along with one EMG recording electrode into the left Gs were implanted to determine the threshold current to activate local reflex. In addition, EMG recording electrodes to five muscles of the left leg were implanted to record crossed reflex responses. Schematic was created with (agreement number: QQ250Q4M08).
b, EMG responses of all recorded muscles of the right leg to left tibial nerve stimulation at 1.2xT (i) and 5xT (ii) in wild type (WT), V0kill and V3off mice. Shaded areas indicate nerve stimulation.
c, Same as in b, but for responses to left sural nerve stimulation.