Figure 5. hPFF injection into Thy1:SNCA/Snca−/− mice induces pathological and phenotypic features distinct from ampLB.
(A) Schematic representation of experimental design. (B) Survival curve of hPFF-injected Thy1:SNCA/Snca−/− mice (n = 5). (C) Immunohistochemistry with an anti-pSyn antibody EP1536Y on the ipsilateral side. Ventral DG, ventral dentate gyrus; Cerebellar N, cerebellar nuclei; RF, reticular formation; PRN, pontine reticular nucleus. Scale bar 50 μm. (D) Heat map colors represent extent of pSyn-positive pathology. (E) Schematic representation of age and severity of αSyn pathology. Each box represents one Thy1:SNCA/Snca−/− mouse. Color indicates severity of αSyn pathology (gray, sample without αSyn inclusions; green, mildly affected sample; orange, moderately affected sample; red, severely affected sample). (F) Immunohistochemistry with an anti-pSyn antibody EP1536Y on the ipsilateral side. Arrows indicate pSyn-positive inclusions. Scale bar 50 μm. (G) Heat map colors represent extent of pSyn-positive pathology.