Fig. 1.
Absolute health harm perceptions of cigarettes, nicotine e-cigarettes, and NRT by current use of each product (Panel A), perceived helpfulness of e-cigarettes for quitting or cutting down on cigarette smoking by current use of e-cigarettes (Panel B), and perceived helpfulness of NRT for quitting or cutting down on cigarette smoking by current use of NRT (Panel C).
Note: Bar labels represent percentages. For Panel A, values within a bar add to 100% and we only display data for participants who report an opinion. For Panel A, we excluded participants who responded, “don't know” to each item (i.e., 0, 10, and 13 participants responded “don't know” to harm to health of cigarettes, nicotine e-cigarettes, and NRT, respectively). Current use is defined as past 30-day use for cigarettes and e-cigarettes, and current use at the time of the survey for NRT (i.e., Are you currently using the nicotine patch, gum, lozenge, inhaler, or nasal spray to help you quit smoking cigarettes?). For Panels B and C, black bars sum to 100% and white bars sum to 100%.
Key: * denotes p<0.05 for overall chi-squared test of the belief/perception by current product use (yes/no); E-cigarette, electronic cigarette; NRT, nicotine replacement therapy.