A Circulating TAG levels pre and post treatment in the AZD4017+prednisolone group. B Circulating TAG levels pre and post treatment in the placebo+prednisolone group. C Change in circulating TAG levels in AZD4017+prednisolone and placebo+prednisolone groups. D Circulating glycerol levels pre and post treatment in the AZD4017+prednisolone group. E Circulating glycerol levels pre and post treatment in the placebo+prednisolone group. F Change in circulating glycerol levels in AZD4017+prednisolone and placebo+prednisolone groups. G Adipose interstitial fluid glycerol levels pre and post treatment in the AZD4017+prednisolone group. H Adipose interstitial fluid glycerol levels pre and post treatment in the placebo+prednisolone group. I Change in adipose interstitial fluid glycerol levels in AZD4017+prednisolone and placebo+prednisolone groups. Subcutaneous adipose tissue interstitial fluid glycerol levels were increased by placebo + prednisolone treatment, but not when prednisolone was combined with AZD4017 (G–I). Data are medians, and error bars are IQR (A–F, I) and mean and SD (G, H). Data points represent individual patients (A–F, I) Circulating TAG AZD4017 + prednisolone: n = 15, Circulating TAG placebo + prednisolone: n = 15, Circulating Glycerol AZD4017 + prednisolone: n = 15, Circulating Glycerol placebo+prednisolone: Basal; n = 15, Low insulin; n = 15, High insulin; n = 14, Adipose interstitial fluid Glycerol AZD4017 + prednisolone: Basal; n = 12, Low insulin; n = 11, High insulin; n = 12, Adipose interstitial fluid Glycerol placebo + prednisolone: Basal; n = 13, Low insulin; n = 13, High insulin; n = 12, (Light blue circles = pre-treatment AZD4017 + prednisolone, blue squares = post-treatment AZD4017 + prednisolone, pink circles = pre-treatment placebo+prednisolone, red squares = post-treatment placebo + prednisolone). Statistical tests: Wilcoxon signed-rank test; Fig. 3A, generalised linear models adjusting for baseline variability in each specified outcome; Fig. 3 B, D and I and paired two-tailed t-test; Fig. 3C.