Fig. 1.
Physiological skin wound repair was not affected by Nox4 deficiency in vivo. A. Time for complete wound closure in WT and Nox4 KO mice, each dot corresponds to one mouse; B. Wound size as a function of time normalized to initial size of the wound; C. Epithelization/contraction ratio; D. Quantification of hematoxylin stained area indicating cellular infiltration in the wounds over time until complete wound closure (WC); E. Quantification of Masson's trichrome staining as a measure of collagen content in the wounds over time until complete WC; F. α-SMA-positive area in the wounds over time until complete WC; N – normal, unwounded skin, WC – wound closure; in vivo experiments – WT n = 9, Nox4 KO n = 12; IHC staining WT n = 3, Nox4 KO n = 3 for each time point. Data shown as mean ± SD; ns – not significant; *p < 0.05; Two-way ANOVA.