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. 2023 Feb 10;11:974850. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.974850

Table 3.

The COVID-19 prevention practice of health workers 2021.

S. no Variable Frequency Percent
1 Did the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus make you increase the frequency of washing hands? Yes 384 91.1
No 37 8.9
2 Did you carry hand sanitizer with you during the outbreak in Ethiopia? Yes 358 85.1
No 63 14.9
3 Did you write down or store in your phone any helpline number to contact in case you suspected that you or someone you know has the COVID-19 virus? Yes 219 52.0
No 202 48.0
4 Did you maintain social distance during the outbreak? Yes 365 86.6
No 56 13.4
5 Did you cover coughs and sneeze with a tissue/handkerchief during the outbreak? Yes 181 43.1
No 240 56.9
6 Did you avoid unnecessary travel or outing during the outbreak? Yes 189 45
No 232 55
7 Did you dispose used mask in dust bin? Yes 373 88.6
No 48 11.4
8 Do you wash your hands after sneezing or coughing? Yes 210 49.9
No 169 40.1
9 Do you touch your face, nose, or mouth with your unclean hands? Yes 184 43.6
No 237 56.4
10 In order to prevent contracting and spreading COVID-19 I avoid handshaking, hugging and kissing Yes 367 87.1
No 54 12.9