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. 2023 Feb 10;14:1036397. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1036397


The duration of copulation of Z. tau adults exposed to different short-term high-temperature treatments for 12 h.

Temperature (°C) Duration of copulation (min)
Treated♀-control♂ Control♀-treated♂ Treated♀-treated♂ Control♀-control♂
34 627.42 ± 16.87ABa 640.0 ± 18.43Aa 622.47 ± 11.29Ba 595.47 ± 16.23a
38 648.07 ± 14.82Aa 637.81 ± 9.03Aa 678.0 ± 18.67Aa 595.47 ± 16.23b
40 609.50 ± 12.75ABa 626.0 ± 14.33Aa 599.83 ± 15.95Ba 595.47 ± 16.23a
25 595.47 ± 16.23B 595.47 ± 16.23A 595.47 ± 16.23B