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. 2023 Feb 14;13(2):e067136. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-067136

Table 4.

Overview of recorded primary psychiatric diagnoses in linked patients (n=153 762) and whether patients who were given a diagnosis had received benefits (n=131 702)

Recorded primary psychiatric diagnoses* (ICD-10 code and description) N (%) Received a benefit† N (%)
F00–F09 (mental and behavioural disorders, and mental disorders due to known physiological conditions) 26 775 (17.4) 26 069 (97.4)
F10–F19 (mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use) 26 879 (17.5) 23 731 (88.2)
F20–F29 (schizophrenia, schizotypal, delusional disorders and other non-mood psychotic disorders) 16 082 (10.5) 14 944 (92.9)
F30–F39 (mood (affective) disorders) 33 235 (21.6) 27 046 (81.4)
F40–F48 (anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, somatoform and other non-psychotic mental disorders) 25 944 (16.9) 20 432 (78.8)
F50–F59 (behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors) 6773 (4.4) 3840 (56.7)
F60–F69 (disorders of adult personality and behaviour) 6219 (4.0) 5495 (88.4)
F70–F79 (intellectual disabilities) 2484 (1.6) 2448 (98.6)
F80–F89 (pervasive and specific developmental disorders) 2904 (1.9) 2623 (90.3)
F90–F98 (behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence) 6467 (4.2) 5092 (78.7)

*Latest psychiatric primary diagnosis recorded closest and before window end date (30 June 2019) based on ICD-10 F codes only (mental and behavioural disorders) but excluding non-specific diagnoses, for example, Z*, F99*, FXX.

†Any type of benefits received between 1 January 2005 and 30 June 2020. % will not add up to 100% as patients could have received multiple benefits over time.

ICD, International Classification of Diseases.