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. 2023 Feb 23;6(2):e230070. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.0070

Table 1. Description of BFP Nonbeneficiaries and Beneficiaries Before and After Kernel Weighting, 2004 to 2015 (N = 6 677 273).

Variable Before kernel weighting, % After kernel weighting, %
Non-BFP (n = 1 264 037) BFP (n = 5 413 236) Diff (BFP-Non-BFP Non-BFP (n = 1 017 154) BFP (n = 4 731 624) Diff (BFP-Non-BFP)
Asian 0.47 0.35 −0.12 0.31 0.34 0.03
Black 7.36 8.78 1.42 8.56 8.74 0.18
Indigenous 0.29 1.03 0.74 0.70 0.80 0.10
Pardo 55.69 63.69 8.00 64.04 63.57 −0.47
White 36.19 26.15 −10.04 26.39 26.49 0.10
Missing dataa 9.35 5.76 NA NA NA NA
Educational attainment
High school or college (≥8 y) 69.64 58.88 −10.76 57.82 58.78 0.96
Elementary or middle school (4-7 y) 24.21 32.86 8.65 33.68 33.02 −0.66
Elementary school or illiterate (<3 y) 6.15 8.26 2.11 8.50 8.20 −0.30
Missing dataa 1.98 2.26 NA NA NA AN
Age group, y
10-19 14.09 23.24 9.15 23.47 23.66 0.19
20-34 75.89 69.32 −6.57 69.45 68.88 −0.57
≥35 10.02 7.44 −2.58 7.08 7.46 0.38
Missing dataa 0 0 NA NA NA NA
No. of children in cohort
1 39.74 44.35 4.61 45.46 44.21 −1.25
2-3 57.80 49.66 −8.14 48.90 49.87 0.97
>3 2.46 5.99 3.53 5.64 5.92 0.28
Missing dataa 0 0 NA NA NA NA
Household density
≤2 Persons per room 79.30 53.22 −26.08 53.21 53.33 0.12
>2 Persons per room 20.70 46.78 26.08 46.79 46.67 −0.12
Missing dataa 11.63 5.10 NA NA NA NA
Water supply
Public network 77.51 65.42 −12.09 65.64 65.98 0.34
Well, natural source, or other 22.49 34.58 12.09 34.36 34.01 −0.35
Missing dataa 7.53 2.79 NA NA NA NA
Waste disposal system
Public network 77.51 38.72 −38.79 38.28 38.81 0.53
Septic tank, ditch, or other 22.49 61.28 38.79 61.72 61.19 −0.53
Missing dataa 8.88 3.51 NA NA NA NA
Garbage disposal
Public collection system 51.21 68.78 17.57 69.35 69.77 0.42
Burned, buried, or other 49.79 31.22 −18.57 30.64 30.22 −0.42
Missing dataa 7.53 2.79 NA NA NA NA
Geographical region
South 14.19 8.55 −5.64 8.43 8.71 0.28
North 9.78 13.21 3.43 12.99 12.74 −0.25
Northeast 30.69 42.87 12.18 42.80 42.86 0.06
Southeast 35.10 29.29 −5.81 29.66 29.68 0.02
Center-West 10.24 6.08 −4.16 6.12 6.01 −0.11
Missing dataa 0 0 NA NA NA NA
Location of household
Urban 81.56 71.74 −9.82 72.15 72.40 0.25
Rural 18.44 28.26 9.82 b 27.85 27.60 −0.25b
Missing dataa 5.56 2.06 NA NA NA NA
2004 7.85 10.26 2.41 10.39 10.55 0.16
2005 7.12 7.92 0.80 b 7.53 7.85 0.32b
2006 26.84 45.62 18.78 46.44 46.69 0.25
2007 11.18 13.71 2.53 14.64 14.44 −0.2
2008 5.37 5.53 0.16 6.06 5.84 −0.22
2009 4.33 4.85 0.52 5.22 5.09 −0.13
2010 6.12 4.36 −1.76 3.59 3.50 −0.09
2011 5.18 2.51 −2.67 1.56 1.58 0.02
2012 10.41 2.79 −7.62 2.61 2.54 −0.07
2013 7.44 1.61 −5.83 1.17 1.16 −0.01
2014 6.09 0.72 −5.37 0.67 0.65 −0.02
2015 2.07 0.12 −1.95 0.12 0.11 −0.01
Missing dataa 0 0 NA NA NA NA

Abbreviations: BFP, Bolsa Família program; NA, not applicable.


Percentage was not included when calculating the categories.


P < .005. For all others in these columns, P < .001.