Quantitative analysis of protein landing dynamics
on single-layer
graphene at 35 eV collision energy. (a) A protein–graphene
collision principally converts the protein translational energy (Etrans,mol) to the graphene vibrational energy
(Evib,surf and Etrans,surf). The graphene translational energy (Etrans,surf) would approximate the energy received by the
“trampoline” mode of the graphene. The sum of Evib,surf and Etrans,surf would give the total vibrational energy of graphene (termed Vsurf in the main text). (b) A protein–graphene
collision creates a soliton in the graphene that serves as a mechanism
to promptly transport energy away from the landing site, as fast as
∼3–4 nm/ps (black atoms denote C atoms moving away from
the protein).