Figure 1.
Molecular mechanism of mitophagy. In the PINK1–Parkin pathway, decreased MMP leads to the accumulation of PINK1 to the OMM, promoting Parkin recruitment. Parkin ubiquitinates several outer membrane components, and PINK1 then phosphorylates the poly-Ub chains. The poly-Ub chains on the OMM allow the interaction of mitochondria with LC3 for autophagic degradation through specific adaptors, such as p62, OPTN, TAX1BP1, and NDP52. Gp78, SMURF1, MUL1, SIAH1 and ARIH1 represent alternative E3 ubiquitin ligases targeting OMM proteins before mitophagy. Mitochondrial dynamics and motility are modulated by the PINK1–Parkin pathway by targeting MFN, DRP1 and Miro for degradation by proteasomes. In receptor-mediated mitophagy, BNIP3, NIX and FUNDC1 mitophagy receptors mediate mitochondrial elimination indirectly by interacting with LC3.