(A) Heat-map presenting relative amounts of polyphenolics in different tissues of mature green (MG) and ripe red (RR) bittersweet fruits, as analyzed by UHPLC/LTQ Orbitrap MSn. Color scale indicates values representing peak areas of compounds, distributed between min and max values among tissues, for each compound individually. (B) UHPLC/DAD chromatograms of MeOH extracts of seed, pulp, and skin of MG and RR fruits are presented, acquired at λ = 260 nm. (C) UHPLC/(−)HESI-MS2 quantitative analysis of major phenolic acids in MG and RR fruits. Letters above the bars denote significant differences according to Tukey’s pairwise test at p ≤ 0.05. Abbreviations: CGA—chlorogenic acid (caffeoylquinic acid); CA—caffeic acid; p-CoA—p-coumaric acid; R-rutin.